France-based DAB Motors Come of Age
New Rebrand Solidifies Positioning
In today’s world, where bigger is somehow seen as better and extravagance is exalted, there is certainly room for minimalism. In the custom and made-to-order motorcycle world, enter DAB Motors.
SImon Dabadie, DAB Motors founder.
Founded in 2018 in Bayonne, France, DAB Motors offers a refreshing new take on motorcycling – one that strips the machine bare, but also allows for incredible levels of customization.
Established by Simon Dabadie, who has worked as an engineer and a designer for a number of motorcycle and parts companies, DAB Motors aims to fill a need in custom motorcycles.
“Today’s demanding consumer is stuck between two kinds of motorcycles: mainstream bikes that everyone can buy but are not really original; and custom motorcycles which are unique, but there are a lot of problems with the law regarding modifications,” says Simon Dabadie. “Often, the consumer can’t ride these unique bikes on the street, which is a shame. That’s why I started DAB.
Our main goal is to design a customizable, minimalist motorcycle that is street legal
We follow the same rules as Honda, but we think differently. We can be more creative in the design process, and when we customize our motorcycles. We wanted to offer a refined motorcycle that consumers can configure themselves, and it will still be street legal.
“Our main goal is to design a customizable, minimalist motorcycle that is street legal,” Dabadie adds. “It’s not easy to design a bike that looks simple. Everything is new: it has a new kind of lighting, the exhaust is different, the turn signals are integrated into the handlebars, and more.”
DAB Motors is based in Bayonne, France, not far from Biarritz, where Wheels & Waves, the gathering for motorcycle lovers, is based. It’s a beautiful area that combines the mountains and the ocean -- perfect for motorcycling. It’s also a hub of the aeronautical industry, which has been a benefit for DAB.
The company works with an elite group of suppliers in and around Bayonne, and the motorcycles are assembled in DAB Motors’ facility. In 2020, the brand delivered 10 motorcycles, mainly in Germany and Switzerland, and the plans are to produce and deliver 400 motorcycles by 2024. Dabadie says their range will include three or four models by then, including an electric motorcycle.
The current model is the LMS, and it is completely customizable via the configuration system on the DAB website. Customers can configure the bodywork, the seat, the grips and much more, and each bike is set up differently for the height and weight of each owner. Every motorcycle is numbered and engraved with the owner’s name and the name of the technician who assembled the motorcycle.
The cost? The base cost of the LMS starts at 17,200 Euros/CHF 17,700 (with shipping, duties, VAT included), and goes up depending on customization.
DAB Motors just went through a complete rebranding, introducing a new logo that fits the mission of the company.
“The first branding was created by me and it was ok, but I am not an expert,” Dabadie explains. “As we now have a very solid capability to produce, I wanted to have a solid image. I wanted to release this rebranding that represents my vision -- a very high end, minimalistic, modern brand.”
Coming to Switzerland
DAB Motors a déjà vendu quelques motos en Suisse, mais l'objectif est d'avoir des concessionnaires dans tout le pays. Simon tenait beaucoup à y homologuer ses motos, même si c'est de loin le pays le plus difficile auquel il ait eu affaire. "Toutes nos motos ont été vendues en ligne jusqu'à présent", explique-t-il. "Nous recherchons actuellement des concessionnaires en Suisse pour exposer nos produits et pouvoir y proposer des essais. Nous sommes déjà représentés au Japon, aux États-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Nous essayons de nous construire une réputation internationale. » Simon Dabadie vient souvent en Suisse pour livrer des vélos aux clients, alors je lui ai fait promettre de visiter les bureaux de RoadBook Suisse pour y montrer ses motos et organiser des essais. Restez à l’écoute!
DAB Motors has already sold some bikes here, but the goal is to have dealers across the country. Dabadie was very keen on homologating his bikes in Switzerland, even though it is by far the most difficult country he has dealt with.
“All our bikes so far have been sold online,” Dabadie affirms. “We are looking for dealers in Switzerland to display our bike, and to do test rides. We are selling bikes in Japan, the US and other countries. We are trying to build an international reputation.”
Dabadie comes to Switzerland often to deliver bikes to customers, so I made him promise to visit the RoadBook Switzerland offices to show the bike and do test rides.
So, stay tuned.
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